Woven Polypropylene Bags

The PPT bags produced by COFISAC find their applications in the packaging of products from many sectors:

  • agricultural sector (groundnut, rice, cereal, etc.),
  • agro-industrial sector (milling, sugar, salt, pasta, poultry and livestock feed, etc.),
  • phosphate fertilizer sector,
  • textile sector (cotton, thrift store, etc.).


The integration on the production site of the entire PPT bag manufacturing process provides COFISAC’s customers with exclusive advantages such as:

1/A varied range of bags to meet your specific needs

The woven propylene bags are recognized for their solidity, durability, resistance for the conservation of products belonging to the agro-industrial sector such as groundnuts, millet, paddy rice, husked rice but also sugar, salt, cotton, flour, fertilizers, seed, poultry or livestock feed, etc.)

COFISAC offers a wide range of PP bags meeting the specific needs of its customers.

Bag dimensions Capacity in KG Products
50x90 35 Pasta
55x95 50 Pasta, Rice, Salt
29x80 18 Salt
35x72 25 Salt
37x75 25 Salt
45x75 25 Husked rice, salt, fertilizer
55x95 50 Husked rice, salt, fertilizer
60x98 40 Poultry food, livestock, cereals, sugar
60x100 50 Flour, fertilizer, seed, maize
60x105 50 Wheat flour
60x110 50 Poultry food
60x115/0 50 Mil, maize, shelled peanut
60x120/0 50 Mil, maize, peanut husked
70x120/0 80 Paddy rice
70x125 50 Wheat bran
75x139/0 70 Peanut in shell
75x150 70 Peanut seed

2/A customized packaging adapted to your needs:

Thanks to a highly qualified and dynamic team, COFISAC is able to respond effectively to its customers personalized packaging needs.
The tailor-made production of your bags facilitates the identification and marketing of your products. COFISAC can provide you with standard products or even print them according to your needs in different colors (white, blue, yellow, pink, green, beige, multicolored, etc.)

3/ Exclusive benefits

  • Responsiveness (availability of stocks, respect of delivery times, etc.),
  • the resistance of the bags linked to UV treatment,
  • tailor-made production and customization of bags in terms of size, capacity (18 to 80 kg), marking and color,
  • the manufacture of caps and lids for the second-hand clothing sector.

Technical advice

COFISAC professionals provide cutting-edge assistance and advice services by carrying out studies essential to the design and production of a personalized bag or print.